
Chado Uransenke Tankokai Portland Association


Welcome to the Uransenke Portland Association website.

Our association practices and teaches Urasenke chado, one of the main traditional schools of Japanese tea ceremony. Weekly classes are taught by Urasenke instructors who are certified by the Urasenke Tankokai based in Kyoto, Japan. These instructors and their students host occasional tea gatherings and participate in public presentation of chado – the way of tea. You can get a certificate for your level of study from Urasenke in Kyoto through your instructors. The basic principles of chado, the way of tea are expressed in the words:
和 Wa (harmony), 敬 Kei (respect), 清 Sei (purity), and 寂 Jaku (tranquility).

By learning chado, we seek to obtain an ultimate peace of mind and wish for peacefulness through the way of tea.


  • In June 1979, Urasenke Portland Assoc. was established with Sōjyu Takahashi gyōtei sensei from Kyōto on behalf of the former Grand Tea Master, Hōunsai Daisōshō.
  • Since then Portland Assoc. has held New Year's Chakai, Rikyū-ki and Seichū-ki Chakai as yearly events and a lecture of the way of tea has been held regularly almost every year with Christy Bartlett sensei, director of Urasenke San Francisco.
  • The members have supported the Portland Japanese Garden’s seasonal events through the way of tea and have introduced Japanese culture to the community. The Portland Japanese Garden celebrated its 60 anniversary in 2023.
  • In 1981, Sōsei Abe gyōtei sensei’s kōshūkai was held, and many of established members attended.
  • In June 2000, we celebrated our 20th anniversary with Sōshū Yamada sensei, the former New York Branch Chief of Administration on behalf of the Grand Tea Master, Hōunsai Daisōshō.
  • In September 2004, we hosted the second Cascadia Tea Connection together with Portland Urasenke Wakai Assoc.
  • In September 2012, Sōhō Machida gyōtei sensei’s kōshūkai and in October 2015, Sōgen Izumimoto gyōtei sensei’s Kōshūkai were held together with Portland Wakai Assoc. for three days in both years.
  • In May 2014, we celebrated 35th anniversary with Sōka Hirota sensei, the former New York Branch Chief of Administration on behalf of the Zabōsai Grand Tea Master.
  • Sōwa Henjyōji had contributed to the Association as the Chief of Administration until 2012. She was a driving force and much loved one, passed away at the age 98 in 2019.
  • There are about 40 members in 2023, and we all wish for world peace through the way of tea.


  • 1979年6月、裏千家前御家元鵬雲斎大宗匠の御名代として高橋宗重業躰先生をお迎えし、発会する。
  • 以来、ポートランド協会は初茶会、利休忌、精中忌等を年中行事とし、又サンフランシスコ出張所Christy Bartlett先生御指導のもと講習会をほぼ毎年開催し、そして2023年に60周年を迎えた日本庭園の四季折々の行事にも携わる等、地域の茶道普及、日本文化の紹介等に貢献する。
  • 1981年には、阿部宗正業躰先生の講習会を開催し、多くの発会メンバーが参加する。
  • 2000年6月、発会20周年記念茶会を元二ユーヨーク出張所長、山田宗州先生を前御家元鵬雲斎大宗匠の御名代としてお迎えし開催する。
  • 2004年9月には、第二回Cascadia Tea Connection 茶会をポートランド裏千家和会協会と共にホストとして開催する。
  • 2012年9月、町田宗芳業躰先生、そして2015年10月、泉本宗玄業躰先生の講習会をポートランド和会協会と共に、いずれも三日間に渡り開催する。
  • 2014年5月、発会35周年記念茶会を元ニューヨーク出張所長,弘田宗佳先生を坐忘斎御家元の御名代としてお迎えし開催する。
  • 2019年に98歳にて逝去の遍照寺宗和が2012年まで幹事長として、永きにわたり当協会発展に務める。
  • 2023年現在、会員総数40人余りに至り、これからも一同茶道を通じて、地域、また世界の平和と幸福を願う所存です。